
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fire Mountain 2011

Snow? In May?
May 27-30, 2011 

What is this white stuff drifting from the sky and why is it where we are, in the coast range of Northern California, and in May, no less?

Getting to our friends' gathering took a bit more care and savvy driving than usual this year. The Tin Pickle and the Blue Behemoth seem to be a good pair for getting us nearly anywhere we want to go.

Lower down, it was just wet, and very, very green.

As we dropped down the far side of the hill, the snow gave way to drizzle. The wet roads could get slippery. We're a long way from county maintenance, so conditions are variable, to say the least.

Hooray for sunshine!

Surveying the road down

The sun came out and the road began to dry. Friends arrived and drove down to find camping spots. We waited at the top for previous drivers to clear the road and for the gravel to drain enough for traction on the steepest bits. 

Yay for trailer brakes!
Settling in requires four wheel drive.

Various blocks of wood got the Pickle level
We got ourselves into position and level using a combination of 2x8s and other wood. (I think I see a bit of 4x4 under that back stabilizer.) Through sun and drizzle, we were warm and cozy. The wildflowers were late in blooming, so we got to see most of the usual spring crop. Bart had a good time with friends,  scaring cans with rifles. Someone invented "cheap skeet" where an assistant lobs a Pabst or a Coors into the air. Barbie laid a bit low due to an eye issue that required laser treatment as soon as we got back to civilization. It's all well and good to muck about in the wilds for a weekend, but it's good to have 21st century technology available when you need it!

A nice neighborhood
This river valley has deep connections for both of us. It was a great place to unwind, and with some good friends to share it.

Aah, what a lovely time.

The beautiful Eel River Valley

Thank you, Heidi and Solomon!

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